Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Disney Corporation Through The Eyes Of A Marxist

Disney Corporation Through The Eyes Of A Marxist The Walt Disney Corporation has just about dipped its fingers within everything consumer based. To give you a picture of just how much Disney is involved in our society, here is exactly where Disney has its foot in the door. From Walt Disney studios (who owns Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar, Touchstone Pictures, Miramax Films); to Walt Disney studios Home Entertainment; to Disney Theatrical Productions (who is one of the largest producers of Broadway musicals, including Disney Live Family Entertainment and Disney on Ice); to the music within their motion pictures (including Walt Disney Records, Hollywood Records, and Lyric Street Records) (8). That is all only within the Walt Disney Studios department of the Disney Corporation. There is also the Disney theme parks and resorts. Since its first park, Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California opened, the Parks and Resorts department has grown to encompass the world-class Disney Cruise Line, eight Disney Vacation Club resorts (with more than 100,000 members), Adventures by Disney (immersive Disney-guided travel around the world), and five resort locations (encompassing 11 theme parks, including some owned or co-owned by independent entities) on three continents (8). There are also the Disney consumer products, which extend the Disney brand to merchandise ranging from apparel, toys, home dà ©cor and books and magazines to interactive games, foods and beverages, stationery, electronics and fine art. [Disneys publishing company,] Disney Publishing Worldwide is the worlds largest publisher of childrens books and magazines, reaching more than 100 million readers each month in 75 countries. Disneys imprints include Disney Libri, Hyperion Books for Children, Jump at the Sun, Disney Press, and Disney Editions (8). Disneys official shopping source is disneystore.com. The Disney stores retail chain is owned and operated by an unaffiliated third party in Japan under a license agreement with The Walt Disney Company. [However,] Disney owns and operates the Disney Store chain in North America and Europe. (8) There are also the various media networks that Disney owns or is majorly affiliated with. From broadcast, to cable, to radio, to publishing and internet business, Disney is tuned into everything. Their keys networks are Disney-ABC Television Group, ESPN Inc., Walt Disney Internet Group, and ABC owned television stations. (8) The Disney-ABC Television Group is home to the ABC Television Network, the Disney Channel, ABC Family, SOAPnet, AE Television, and the Radio Disney Network. When it comes to ESPN, however, with its six domestic cable television networks (ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, ESPNEWS, ESPN Deportes, and ESPNU) along with ESPN International; ESPN Radio; ESPN.com; ESPN The Magazine; ESPN Enterprises; ESPN Zones (their restaurants); ESPN360.com; ESPN Mobile Wireless; ESPN On Demand; ESPN Interactive; and ESPN PPV; the Disney-ABC Television Group only owns 80%, whereas a separate company (The Hearst Corporation) owns the other 20%.(8) So, who is at the top of this money making consumer machine? His name is Robert A. Iger, and in 2008 alone he grossed $51,072,580 (3). A merchandise hostess intern makes about $6.50 per hour. A research specialist, PhotoPass photographer, and guest relations hostess makes an average of $10.00 per hour. Managers make about $29.00 per hour, whereas a ride show technician makes about $23.00 per hour. (4) Why is it that there is such a gap in pay between employees and employers? What would Karl Marx think? With all of the profit the Disney accrues annually from its vast consumerism, the distribution of its profit amongst its employees is greatly skewed. Marx would say that Disney is exploiting its employees and the Disney has far too much excess profit. He would argue that Disney pays its customer service employees close to minimum wage when they are more than capable to be paying their workers a lot more. Disney also pays its managers and supervisors a little more than who they oversee so they will still stick up for their bosses and keep the repression of the workers stable. Also, those who earn the minimum paid work may also be keeping themselves down by working these jobs because they think they too may climb the ladder to success (class reading The Origin and Context of Karl Marxs Thought). If we were to classify people into Marxs two social classes, he would describe the top Disney executives as the bourgeoisie, and the laborers (their maintenance team, retail clerks, park ride o perators, restaurant employees, etc.) are the proletariat. Alienation can be observed on both sides of the spectrum, whether were looking at the top executives or the laborers of Disney. In this quote from The Holy Family, Marx says that the bourgeoisie and proletarians are equally alienated, but experience their alienation in different ways. The propertied class and the class of the proletariat present the same human self-estrangement. But the former class feels at ease and strengthened in this self-estrangement, it recognizes estrangement as its own power and has in it the semblance of a human existence. The class of the proletariat feels annihilated in estrangement; it sees in it its own powerlessness and the reality of an inhuman existence (Engels Marx, 1845). This may be seen that as the Disney executives are alienated, they feel strengthened by this with their own power, whereas the Disney laborers feel their alienation as a form of powerlessness. Marx may also believe that Disney laborers are alienated for many other reasons. He would say that they are operating things that they, in turn, would never own themselves. For example, employees who work at the theme parks will never experience what it is like to be at the park for leisure, unless its a free ticket every once in a while from corporate. Even then, the ticket has restrictions for certain days and seasons. Also, he would say that the Disney laborers inevitably lose control of their lives and selves, in not having any control of their work. They would never become autonomous, self-realized human beings except in how the bourgeois want the workers to be realized (class reading The Origin and Context of Karl Marxs Thought). Within the corporations hiring practices, Disney is not very open to negotiations. They just pitch a package to you, which the prospective cast member can either accept or decline. Marx would probably use this modern day analogy, if he could, that Disney is a 750 pound gorilla in the marketplace and that they know it and arent afraid to use it. For its customers Disney is a place of Imagination, magic, fantasy, romance, adventure, inspiration, family, and so much more. These are the feelings we encounter when we experience anything Disney as a society. Disneys goal for its consumers is to be seen as the happiest place (and products) on earth. The Walt Disney Corporation has been a powerful force in creating childhood culture around the world. Disneys massive success is based on images of innocence, magic, and fun. Its animated films in particular are praised as wholesome family entertainment endorsed by teachers and parents, and immensely popular with children (Feng Sun, 2001). Childrens imaginations have been the product of Disney for many generations now. Its become the ultimate form of fantasy, one that never needs to be questioned. Marx would say that we, as a society, are fools. He would argue that Disneys bourgeois philosophy has clouded our minds to see our world as they want us to see it. The messages of innocence are really messages of passivity, domesticity, and frailty for woman; while messages of adventure and fun really have underlying tones of power, violence, and a false notions of hope in the eyes of our little boys. In a sense, the Disney Corporation perpetuates the ideas of achieving the traditional American dream, while these executives know full well that the society they wish to see has been lost to time for quite a while now. Marx would describe the societal image of Disney as a secular opiate for the people (7). He would argue by saying that this state and this society produce[d Disney], which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world (7). This meaning that the aspects to which Disney is fantasy ridden is opposite from what our society is. Disney has become an escape for us. He would go on by explaining that Disney is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality (7). Meaning that Disney is our imagination come to life. Disney is everything we wish could be within our world in regards to fantasy, and its everything they wish our value system would be. So who else could possibly shed some light on this subject but Max Weber? He would argue with Marx, saying that his thoughts of social stratification do not apply to Disney because there are many other jobs that are affiliated with Disney, but not of Disney, like independent contractors that are virtually ambiguous to the Disney executives. Weber would most likely believe that what Disney is doing is efficient and fair because what theyve been doing is the most effective for them. In the social world, Disney is all about family. They have been trying to uphold and instill the values of the past within virtually all of their consumer products. For Weber, this has a hint of value rationality. He would think that Disney executives utilize this bottom line thinking. They have weighed the costs and benefits of their choices and have gone with whatever brings them the most profit (Phillips). However, Weber would explain that the Disney executives would not apply to his traditional rationality approach because aspects of their corporation are continually changing. From the switch to digital animation from analog animation; updating their amusement park rides to fit todays technology; and even answering to the calls of society to finally create an animated film featuring an African American princess. Theyre not sticking with what theyve always known. Disney is constantly innovating to keep up with technology. Socially, however, Weber would agree with Marx by saying that Disney is sticking to its traditional roots by trying to uphold what they view as good moral values (class reading on Weber). Weber would also argue with Marx about how our society works. Marx says that we are all under control by the bourgeoisie: seeing our society in the ways they want us to view it. Disney wants us to see our society through the messages they imbed in their products. Weber would say that our society should be value free and to just let the chips fall where they may (Phillips). Disney is just doing what it wants to do: it is up to us to determine what way we perceive their messages. Weber would also say that Disney is a business bureaucracy: its goal is to maximize its profit. He would describe Disney within his ideas of social stratification: a combination of class, status, and party (class reading on Weber). These three are independent, yet linked (Phillips). Disney has class in the form of having an exorbitant amount of money; status in the way that virtually everyone knows of Disney, and its usually a good notion; and party in the way the Disney has tremendous power within the market and media (class reading on Weber). Within certain aspects of Disney, Marx and Weber share similar ideologies and in others they are on completely separate pages. Both theorists serve valid, rational points. There is no bias within this research: all ideas of Disney are objective and may not be what the theorists may view. All inquiries are based on their prior ideologies.

Monday, January 20, 2020

A Worn Path :: Essays Papers

A Worn Path In the short story A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty there is only one main character Miss Phoenix Jackson, who is in barking on a journey that would lead her to the desired destination. Phoenix's personality would change as she gathered more land with her persistent walking, passing through many different settings. Although the change in scenery is blately obvious it is sometimes what we over look, when trying to examine the characters attitude, or morals in different situations. The attitude change in Miss Jackson is noticeable as she lumbers through the pines, crossing the stream, and again while sitting at the doctor's office. When Phoenix is walking early in the morning she is amongst the pine trees that seems to engulf her, she shows her determination as she lumbers along the trail. With the motion in her step going from side to side in a manner that would sagest the pace that she is keeping, although is a slow in general, may be a little quicker then she would normally be maintaining. This would be so that she could return before the sun goes down with the medicine for her little grandson. She knows this trail very well and walks with confidence, persistently taping the ground with her cane, possible not even looking at where it is her feet are landing. Upon the way she stops to scold and warn the foxes, and other small animals she was visualizing to stay out of her way that she had a far walk and that she must be getting on her way. She says this with a tone in her voice which I imagine to be a voice that a older women uses when they mean business and must finish what they set out to do. Phoenix waves her cane much like someone would at a horse, to persuade it to continue on the path. As Phoenix approaches the stream it becomes obvious that the spirit and imagination inside of her is that of a child. It almost appears that Phoenix has reached the fountain of youth, which releases the child inside of her. She takes a large first step raising her knee high walking onto the log that resemble that of a marching band, while holding the small cane straight out as if to point the direction.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Block Scheduling vs Periods Essay

A small debate has always been discussed when talking about block scheduling and traditional class periods. Some people like the longer classes while others prefer the traditional six shorter class periods. Everyone has their own opinions about block scheduling. Block scheduling can be really helpful to high school students in many ways. Although, block scheduling is a longer time spent in one class, it should be mandatory in all high schools rather than traditional class periods. Block Scheduling is more like college classes, rather than traditional six period classes. There are many ways to schedule with using the block method. One option is the alternating block schedule. Classes meet each day for ninety minutes. Four classes meet on A days, and four meet on B days, with days of the week alternating as A or B. The second method is the semester block scheduling. This allows students to attend just four classes for ninety minutes each day for an entire semester. The following semester students enroll in another four classes. These two methods are the most like college classes. It is good for high school students to experience and get used to the longer time spent in classes to prepare them for college. Block scheduling allows students to take more subjects and cover more material in one class. High school students need to prepare for the future and get used to the way college classes are organized and with the block scheduling they are sure to do that. With the six traditional class periods students only have forty-five to sixty minutes in each class before the bell signals for the next. By the traditional six classes they stay in the same subject all year around. Block scheduling gives two more extra classes to take because of the extra time (Schroth). Many high school students are involved in extracurricular activities at the school they attend. By using the block method, teachers can get most of everything they had planned finished in one class allowing extra time to do class work and students will not have as much homework. Only having four classes cut down on homework rather than six classes all year around. Block scheduling allows teachers to teach less students and can have relationships and get to know each student very well. Students can get direct help from the instructor and can learn more easily (Ediger). This is good for at risk students because it gives them a chance to just focus on a few subjects each semester rather than all year long. In some schools, block scheduling allows students to take dual enrollment at their local community college. By doing this, high school students can get a head start on college classes if they are able (Childers). Many opportunities to help academics can come from the block scheduling method. Block Scheduling allows students who fail a subject the first semester, to retake it the second semester. Many schools have seen test scores increase (Wilson). While students have more time to do daily work instead of homework, teachers have more time for their planning period. It allows more time for more in class projects and individual work between students and the instructor. Many teachers have said that with block scheduling, more discipline problems have decreased. Because traditional scheduling requires changing classes six times a day, students get more chances to start trouble between those classes. With block scheduling you’re only changing three times and there is a less chance of problems between classes (Wilson). Block scheduling does have its disadvantages just like traditional scheduling. Since students will not be going to class daily, some subjects might require drill and practice to stay refreshed on a student’s mind (Schroth). With classes being ninety minutes, students might get tired or bored with the subject they are in and ready to go to the next class. A bad instructor could cause students to not want to go to class for that long of a time. Block scheduling advantages outweighs its disadvantage. It prepares high school students for college. College classes are completely different than high school. Teachers have more time to prepare, teach and individually help each student in class. Discipline issues have decreased because of the less time spent in the hallways. The block method is great for all high schools and preparing students for the future.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Global Warming And Climate Change Myths - 950 Words

â€Å"If you want to go beyond that small percentage of people who are already environmentally and scientifically aware, you have to make your work somehow link with a passion, interest, or profession of someone who isn t interested in science or nature† (Nalini Nadkarni, n.d.). Like most who are not fully educated on a subject until they research it or take a course on it, I was not aware of the overall importance or impact that environmental science had on my everyday life and the world around me. One of the major things that have been brought to my attention in this course is environmental issues, and what I can do to help improve them. One of the convincing arguments that have not only shaped my attitude, but cleared a lot of things up for me was reading and learning about Global Warming and climate change myths. One of the myths on the list that stood out to me was, â€Å"They changed the name from ‘Global Warming’ to ‘Climate Change’ † (Global Warming Climate Change Myths, 2016). According to the scientists, both terms actually mean two different things, and have both been used for decades, proving that myth to be false. Another big myth that seems to occupy the minds of a very large part of the world’s population is, â€Å"It’s not an urgent situation.† To this, scientists have responded (and I fully agree) with, â€Å"A large amount of warming is delayed, and if we don’t act now we could pass tipping points† (Global Warming Climate Change Myths, 2016). Another topic thatShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper on Climate Change: the Myth of Global Warming4031 Words   |  17 PagesResearch Paper on Climate Change: The Myth of Global Warming DEDICATION This Research Paper is lovingly dedicated to our respective parents who have been our constant source of inspiration. They have given us the drive and discipline to tackle any task with enthusiasm and determination. Without their love and support this project would not have been made possible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following group and individuals to the developmentRead MoreResearch Paper on Climate Change: the Myth of Global Warming4045 Words   |  17 PagesResearch Paper on Climate Change: The Myth of Global Warming DEDICATION This Research Paper is lovingly dedicated to our respective parents who have been our constant source of inspiration. They have given us the drive and discipline to tackle any task with enthusiasm and determination. Without their love and support this project would not have been made possible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following group and individuals to the developmentRead MoreClimate Change is NOT a Myth, It is Reality Essay1120 Words   |  5 Pagesfeeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while. - James Lovelock (Hickman, 2010) Climate change is a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, mostly due to the increase in the average atmospheric temperature (global warming). According to National Snow Ice Data Center (2012), the most commonly used definition of climate change is a change in the statisticalRead MoreGo To This Website, Which Is Hosted By Skeptical Science.1046 Words   |  5 Pagesof the myths about climate change. †¢ List two of the myths that you found most interesting. †¢Outline what each myth is, and what the right answer to that question or item is. Has your view on climate change evolved since before taking this course? Why or why not? Choose one the Review Questions from this week’s reading and answer it in full. Please tell me how the course is going for you so far? Is it hard, â€Å"just right†, or easy? 1. 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In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming1410 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming was first mentioned by ‘Svante August Arrhenius in 1896’, but in ‘1753, Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxideâ€℠¢ and in ‘1827, Jean-Batiste Fourier suggested that atmospheric effect kept the earth warmer than it would otherwise be’, (Direct.gov. n.d. A history of climate change). Since this time, reports, and study have be done with graphs to show the impact of global warming and what could happen to our planet. In 1979, the first conference was held this was called ‘International climateRead MoreGlobal Warming Essay1407 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 2014 Global Warming Essay The idea of global became prevalent when the world began industrializing. As the popularity of cars grew and industrial factories began to spring up the air quality suffered. The problem was not recognized because, aside from a few orange skies, there were no obvious effects. 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